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Proget Console

Single Android app

Here you can find information about single application such as: package ID, origin, platform, devices with applied configuration, app config feedback and app versions. You can also perform actions on the application and configure settings such as: app configuration and runtime permissions.

1 Go to details in store
  • After clicking this button, you will be transferred to the details of the app in the Google Play store site
2 Sync with the store
  • After clicking this button, the application will be synchronized with the store
3 Update rules

Available rules
  • Select one of the profile application rules
  • Required
Android Enterprise – work space
  • This action allows you to add selected application to the rules of Android Enterprise – work space, such as:
    • None
    • Unlock apps
    • Blacklist
Android Enterprise – private space
  • This action allows you to add selected application to the rules of Android Enterprise – private space, such as:
    • None
    • Whitelist
    • Blacklist
Samsung Knox
  • This action allows you to add selected application to the rules of Samsung Knox, such as:
    • None
    • Unlock apps
    • Blacklist
iOS (supervisor mode)
  • This action allows you to add selected application to the rules of iOS (supervisor mode), such as:
    • None
    • Whitelist
    • Blacklist
4 Delete app
  • This action allows you to delete application from the Proget console
5 Configuration

Edit configuration
  • This action allows you to edit configuration of the application
Update configuration
  • This action allows you to update configuration of the application
Copy configuration
  • This action allows you to copy configuration of the application
Remove configuration
  • This action allows you to remove configuration of the application
Add configuration
  • This action allows you to add configuration of the application
List of configurations
  • List of configurations of the application
6 Devices

  • This action allows you to export the list of devices with the information such as: model, user, device status, version of the installed app etc
Table settings
  • In the table settings, you can choose which columns will be displayed
List of devices
  • List of devices with the information such as: model, user, device status, version of the installed app etc
7 App config feedback

List of app config feedback
  • List of app config feedback with the information about status and devices
8 Runtime permissions

List of apps runtime permissions
  • List of apps runtime permissions where you can change the way they are assigned, such as:
    • Ask the user
    • Grant automatically
    • Deny automatically
9 Versions

List of versions
  • List of versions with its quantity on device and on container