Certificate profile allows you to send any certificate to the mobile device to authenticate the host.
- Android
- Android Enterprise Profile Owner
- Android Enterprise Device Owner
- iOS
- macOS

1 Name
- Enter the name of the Certificate profile
- Maximum length of the text is 255
- Required
2 File
- If chosen, profile Certificate is creating via uploading certificate file
3 Template
- If chosen, profile Certificate is creating via template

1 Certificate
- Chosen file name
- Required
2 Select file
- Select file from the system which will be used in profile
- Allowed file type: .crt, .cer, .der, .pfx, .p12
3 Password
- Enter the certificate password
- Required if certificate is protected by password

1 CA certificate
- Choose CA certificate that is created in Certificate Manager. It’s used to verify certificate identity.
- Required
2 Key length
- Choose length of the key. Defines how strong security will be.
- Required
3 Encryption signature
- Choose a type of hashing algorithm. Defines how strong security will be.
- Required
4 Topic
- Enter the certificate CN. It’s characteristic value of certificate.
- Global variables available
- Required
5 Validity (in days)
- Specify how long certificate will be valid
- Minimum value is 30
- Maximum value is 730
- Required
6 Auto renew
- If checked, certificate will be renewed x days before expiry of his validity
7 Time before certificate should be renewed
- Specify how many days before expiry of certificate validity should it renew
8 Type
- Choose the type of custom attributes, which are pieces of data that are embedded only in the CSR.
9 Value
- Enter the value of type
- Global variables available
10 Remove
- Remove chosen custom attribute
11 Clear
- Remove all custom attributes
12 Add
- Add custom attribute