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Proget Console

Android Enterprise Device Owner

Android Enterprise Device Owner can only be activated on devices which have been reset to the factory settings.

1 Generale information

1.1 Enter device alias
  • This action allows you to set the device alias. Alias can help with identifying the device

1.2 Refresh device
  • This action allows you to send a refresh action to the device to update information and device status

1.3 Generate service password
  • This action allows you to generate a service password for the device on which the lost mode has been imposed

2 Quick actions

2.1 Block device
  • This action allows you to send an action to block the device. When device is blocked, user can only call the administrator or emergency number which is entered during “Block device” action

2.2 Unlock Device
  • This action allows you to send an action to unlock the device

2.3 Remote desktop
  • To use this action you need app Proget Remote to be installed on your device. Proget Remote is an application that allows you to remotely access your Android device screen from Proget server

2.4 Reset password
  • This action allows you to send an action to the device that will trigger a password reset request

2.5 Change password
  • This action allows you to send an action to the device to set a new password on the device

2.6 Wipe device
  • This action allows you to restore factory settings

2.7 Wipe company data
  • This action allows you to wipe company data. After performing this action device that is registered in the Proget console will be deleted and further management of this device won’t be possible. Proget applications will be still visible and another registration in the Proget console will be possible

2.8 Lock device screen
  • This action allows you to send an action to the device that will lock device screen

2.9 Send message
  • This action allows you to send a message. While performing this action administrator can choose how the message will be visible on the device

2.10 Send alert
  • This action allows you to send an alert message. While performing this action administrator must set message content and can choose additional options. Alert message will be immediately visible on the device with characteristic sound and user will be forced to accept that he read the message

2.11 Forward phone calls
  • This action allows you to send an action to forward phone calls to a given phone number

2.12 Delete forward phone calls
  • This action allows you to send an action to delete the number to which the calls were forwarded

2.13 Refresh device
  • This action allows you to send a refresh action to the device to update information and device status

2.14 Reboot device
  • This action allows you to send an action to the device to reboot the device

2.15 Enable kiosk
  • This action allows you to send an action to the device to enable the kiosk profile. The action is available when a kiosk profile is added to the device

2.16 Disable kiosk
  • This action allows you to send an action to the device to disable the kiosk profile. The action is available when a kiosk profile is added to the device

2.17 Verify the device
  • This action allows you to verify device compatibility with Play Integrity policy

2.18 Generate an event log
  • This action allows you to generate and send audit logs to Proget server

3 Tables