Multi App
Kiosk profile allows you to limit the functionality of the device to specific applications. You can use the Kiosk profile to configure the device to use only one or a few specific applications.
Enter the PIN which will be used to exit the kiosk
Minimum length of the PIN is 4
Maximum length of the PIN is 16
If checked, requires log in to kiosk via service credentials
Available only on Android Enterprise Device Owner
Enter the kiosk service username
Required if “Require login” is checked
Enter the kiosk service password
Required if “Require login” is checked
Choose the color of the app text in kiosk
Available only on Android Enterprise Device Owner
Available only on Android Enterprise Device Owner
Choose the color of the screen launcher background
Available only on Android Enterprise Device Owner
Choose the file of the wallpaper in kiosk
Allowed file type: png
Choose app grid at the Kiosk
Available sizes depends on chosen orientation
Add applications to the screen
Add application to the kiosk by providing its package ID
Add applications from list of available applications in the system
Restricted access to system settings
Show available networks
Wi-Fi Calling
Mobile Networks
Screen brightness
If set, requires at least one category
Can be placed in multiple places on screen
Removes an applications added to list
Added application to the list
Removes all applications added to list
Add application to the kiosk by providing its package ID
Add applications from list of available applications in the system