Wallpaper profile allows to personalize your home screen and lock screen image on your Android and iOS devices. iOS devices must have supervisor mode enabled.
- Android
- Android Enterprise Device Owner
- iOS (supervisor mode)

1 Name
- Enter name of the Wallpaper profile
- Maximum length of the text is 255
- Required
2 Scale image to device screen size
- Available only on devices with Android
3 Home screen wallpaper preview
- Available only on devices with Android
4 Lock screen wallpaper preview
- Allowed file types: png
5 Home screen wallpaper
- Allowed file types: png
- Maximum file size: 10MB
- Required if ‘Lock screen wallpaper’ is empty
6 Lock screen wallpaper
- Allowed file type: png
- Maximum file size: 10MB
- Required if ‘Home screen wallpaper’ is empty