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Proget Console

Generate report

Here you can generate report containing selected information about devices in the system.


Report name
  • Set the report name
  • Required
  • In the dropdown, select the file format
  • File format available:
    • CSV
    • PDF
  • Required
  • In the dropdown, select the orientation
  • Orientation available only with PDF format:
    • Vertical
    • Horizontal
  • Required if selected PDF format
  • In the dropdown, select the type
  • Type available:
    • Custom
    • Business application assigned to device
    • Business applications installed on device
    • Device locations
    • Devices
    • Devices last location
    • Devices security status
    • Export of users from the list
    • Inactive devices
    • Last contact with devices
    • Proget app on devices
    • User devices
  • Required
  • In the dropdown you can select the group
Send report via email
  • If the checkbox is checked the report will be sent by email
  • For this feature to work properly, SMTP must first be configured in the Settings tab
Add recipient(s)
  • Add the email address of the recipient(s) to whom the report will be sent
Data generated in the report
  • If a custom type is selected, you will be able to manage what information about the device will be included in the generated report