Apple Business Manager
The Apple Business Manager (Device Enrollment Program) is used to streamline the process of deploying Apple devices to end user that were covered by Apple Business Manager program. Program allows you to automatically activate Apple devices on the Proget server the first time you start up your device or factory reset.
Name of the Apple Business Manager profile
Maximum length of the text is 255
Name of the department which will be displayed on the managed profile settings
Maximum length of the text is 125
Support phone number
Maximum length of the text is 32
If checked, the profile will automatically be added to all devices newly provided by Apple Business Manager
There may be only one default profile
If checked, user will be able to manually delete the MDM profile
Supervisor mode required
If checked, user will be able to pair Apple device with a host such as iTunes
If chosen, the device will continue to pair with a host that possesses one of these certificates
Settings of the first run
If checked, choose your Lock screen will be skipped
Available on iOS 13 or higher
Available on macOS 10.14 or higher
If checked, App Store panel will be skipped
Available on iOS 14.3 or higher
Available on macOS 11.1 or higher
If checked, location services settings will be skipped
Available on iOS 7 or higher
Available on macOS 10.11 or higher
If checked, restore and backup settings will be skipped
Available on iOS 7 or higher
Available on macOS 10.9 or higher
If checked:
Apple ID and iCloud settings will be skipped
Apple Pay settings will be automatically turned off
Available on iOS 7 or higher
Available on macOS 10.9 or higher
If checked, Terms and Conditions will be skipped
Available on iOS 7 or higher
Available on macOS 10.9 or higher
If checked, Siri settings will be skipped
Available on iOS 7 or higher
Available on macOS 10.12 or higher
If checked, Diagnostics settings will be skipped
Available on iOS 7 or higher
Available on macOS 10.9 or higher
If checked:
Touch ID settings will be skipped
Apple Pay settings will be automatically turned off
Available on iOS 8.1 or higher
Available on macOS 10.12.4 or higher
If checked, Apple Pay setup will be skipped
Available on iOS 8.1 or higher
Available on macOS 10.12.4 or higher
If checked, privacy panel will be skipped
Available on iOS 11.13 or higher
Available on macOS 10.13.4 or higher
If checked, Screen Time panel will be skipped
Available on iOS 12 or higher
Available on macOS 10.15 or higher
If checked, Device to Device Migration panel will be skipped
Available on iOS 13+
Available on iOS 13 or higher
If checked, iMessage panel will be skipped
Available on iOS 10 or higher
If checked, Restore Completed panel will be skipped
Available on iOS 14 or higher
If checked, Software Update Complete panel will be skipped
Available on iOS 14 or higher
If checked, Get Started panel will be skipped
Available on iOS 13 or higher
If checked, Move from Android settings will be skipped
Available on iOS 9 or higher
If checked:
Passcode creation will be skipped
Apple Pay settings and Touch ID settings will be automatically turned off
Available on iOS 7 or higher
If checked, Zoom settings will be skipped
Available on iOS 8.3 or higher
If checked, Apple Watch Migration screen will be skipped
Available on iOS 11 or higher
If checked, iMessage and FaceTime screen will be skipped
Available on iOS 12 or higher
If checked, Mandatory Software Update screen will be skipped
Available on iOS 12 or higher
If checked, Skip Add cellular Plan screen will be skipped
Available on iOS 12 or higher
If checked, accessibility panel will be skipped
Available on macOS 11 or higher
If checked, iCloud Analytics screen will be skipped
Available on macOS 10.12.4 or higher
If checked, Unlock Your Mac with your Apple Watch panel will be skipped
Available on macOS 12 or higher
If checked, FileVault screen for OS X devices will be skipped
Available on macOS 10.10 or higher
If checked, iCloud Storage settings will be skipped
Available on macOS 10.13.4 or higher