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Proget Console

Add report configuration

Here you can add report configuration. Setup report execution cycle, specific data and recipient(s). Reports will be generated automatically and sent via email (SMTP required) or you can download them from Reports tab.

1 Name
  • Set configuration name
  • Required
2 Add data

  • In the dropdown, select the file format
  • File format available:
    • CSV
    • PDF
  • Required
  • In the dropdown, select the orientation
  • Orientation available only with PDF format:
    • Vertical
    • Horizontal
  • Required if selected PDF format
  • In the dropdown, select the type
  • Type available:
    • Custom
    • Business application assigned to device
    • Business applications installed on device
    • Device locations
    • Devices
    • Devices last location
    • Devices security status
    • Export of users from the list
    • Inactive devices
    • Last contact with devices
    • Proget app on devices
    • User devices
  • Required
  • In the dropdown you can select the group
Select the data to be included in the report
  • If a custom type is selected, you will be able to manage what information about the device will be included in the generated report
  • Required
3 Add scheduler

Once the day
  • If selected, you have to select the time and days in which the report will be generated
  • If selected, you have to set the time and daily cycle of report generation
4 Add history

Automatically delete reports older than
  • Select the number of days after which generated reports will be deleted
  • Required
Send report via email
  • If the checkbox is checked the report will be sent by email
  • For this feature to work properly, SMTP must first be configured in the Settings tab
Add recipient(s)
  • Add the email address of the recipient(s) to whom the report will be sent